Welcome to Best Benton Harbor.

This is the City of Benton Harbor's Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance portal for ongoing updates, contributing ideas, and event coordination.

Best Benton Harbor will result in a new vision for the City of Benton Harbor based in the ideas and aspirations of Benton Harbor residents and business owners. Best Benton Harbor will guide city-wide development decisions and promote improvements to quality of life, work, mobility, waterways, parks, design and art. The Plan will establish a long-term vision and identify near-term priorities for City officials. The planning team is excited to work with the community to explore preferences for site redevelopment, neighborhood services, equitable housing, job access, recreation and innovative mobility. Through a collaborative process, we hope to expand opportunity and preserve the values of Benton Harbor’s legacy for existing and future residents.

With hopeful hearts and open minds, we embark on a journey to make Best Benton Harbor a joyful process, deserving of the City today, respectful of its heritage, and mindful of its future. The people of Benton Harbor welcome you!


Several themes have been identified as a way to guide the planning process. These themes will be a roadmap to help identify the best of Benton Harbor and strengthen our community now and into the future.

Best Life

Benton Harbor residents will live in complete neighborhoods with thoughtful and equitable access to diverse housing opportunities, healthy food, local services, civic spaces, recreation, and shopping. Benton Harbor legacy residents will benefit from future economic growth and prosperity. Urgent consideration will be given in decision making processes to protect vulnerable residents from impacts of unplanned and unmitigated economic development.

Best Design

New development in Benton Harbor will put people first and exemplify the highest standards of site design, material selection, and durable construction, to complement and enhance the best architectural precedents of the City and its historic downtown.

Best Waterways

Benton Harbor’s waterways will be restored, enhanced, and preserved, in a manner that provides community access, economic vitality, and sustainable habitat.

Best Mobility

Residents of Benton Harbor will have access to housing, employment, recreation, and services via a complete and smart transportation system serving people with safe facilities for walking, biking, transit riding, and driving.

Best Work

Benton Harbor City Government and partner organizations will continue to lead by example and grow local capacity through building and maintaining infrastructure, providing transparent leadership, and creating opportunities for residents to acquire training and rewarding careers.

Best Parks

Benton Harbor will maintain, enhance, and expand on a complex system of both formal and informal public spaces at the block, neighborhood, district, citywide, and regional scale. Benton Harbor parks will provide opportunities for both passive and active recreation, programming activities, civic events, and community gatherings.

Best Art

The City of Benton Harbor will continue to foster creative enterprise through education, exhibition, and celebration by developing and investing in local-grown talent and welcoming artists from the Midwest and beyond to share in the beauty of the City and the region.

Stay Connected.

If you would like to receive updates on the Benton Harbor planning process, please submit your email address here.